(916) 773-4300 Granite Bay, CA

Help Dwelling Coverage

Dwelling Coverage - - Coverage A

We insure:

1. The dwelling that is described on the Declarations Page;
2. Materials and supplies for use in the construction, alteration or repair of that dwelling located within or immediately adjacent to that dwelling; and 
3. Any structure you own that is attached to that dwelling, other than a structure attached only by plumbing, utility line or similar connection.

But we do not insure:

1. Fences;
2. Land including any cost to repair, rebuild, stabilize or otherwise restore land on which the dwelling is located either before or after a loss; or
3. Loss, including damage or remediation costs, caused by or resulting from the presence of mold, mildew, or other fungi, their secretions, and dry and wet rot of any kind regardless of the cause, condition or loss that led to their formation or growth.

Here are Some Additional Coverages Included

When you buy Coverage A — Dwelling, we automatically include the following additional coverages:

1. Debris Removal
We will pay the actual, reasonable and necessary cost for the removal of debris of insured property, other than trees, from your premises when deposited by an Insured Peril that applies to the insured property.

The debris removal cost is included in the Amount of Insurance that applies to the damaged property. If the amount to be paid for the actual damage to the property plus the debris removal cost is more than the Amount of Insurance for the damaged property, an additional 5% of that Amount of Insurance is available for debris removal.

No deductible will apply to this coverage.

2. Emergency Repairs After Loss
We will pay any actual, reasonable and necessary expenses for emergency repairs incurred in protecting your insured property from further damage if the damage was caused by an Insured Peril.

This coverage is included in and does not change the Amount of Insurance that applies to the property being protected.

No deductible will apply to this coverage.

3. Emergency Removal of Personal
Property. We cover your insured personal property against direct loss from any cause not excluded in SECTION I — Exclusions while the property is being removed from your premises because it is in danger of loss by an Insured Peril. We provide
this coverage for no morethan 30 days while the property is removed from your premises.

This coverage is included in and does not change the Amount of Insurance that applies to the property being removed.

No deductible will apply to this coverage.

4. Fire Department Service
Charge (not applicable in Arizona, New Jersey and New Mexico). We will pay up to $500 for actual fire department charges incurred by you when the fire department is called to save or protect insured property from an Insured Peril.

No deductible will apply to this coverage.

5. Trees, Shrubs, Plants and Lawns
We will pay up to 5% of the Amount of Insurance shown for Coverage A — Dwelling for loss to trees, shrubs, plants and lawns on your premises. We will not pay more than $500 for any one tree, plant or shrub including the cost of removing the debris of the insured item.

Coverage applies to loss caused by the perils of fire or lightning, explosion, riot or civil commotion, aircraft, vehicles not owned or operated by any resident of your premises, vandalism or malicious mischief or burglars.

But we do not insure trees, plants, shrubs or portions of lawn:
a. Grown for business purposes; or
b. Located more than 150 feet from the dwelling described on the Declarations Page.

No deductible will apply to this coverage.