(916) 773-4300 Granite Bay, CA

Value Term Male 37

Value Term Life Rates

Male - Age 37

ANNUAL Rates per $1,000

Rates vary based on qualifed and approved classification (All determinations made by underwriting).  The following will be used to determined classification qualifications:
  • Current health (Including height & weight)
  • Your health history
  • Family history (parents and/or sibilings)
  • Occupation (sometimes hazard occupations can affect underwritng decissions)
  • Hazardous Sports or Hobbies (Ex.  Skydiving, rock climbing, scuba diving, flying small air crafts, etc)
  • Nicotine User or Non-Smoker
  • Coverage amount


There are 3 factors you should consider...  Follow these steps to complete your instant quote:
  1. Use the Rate Classification chart to determine WHICH CLASS best describes your personal circumstances
  2. Consider HOW LONG you want to protect your family... Choose from 10 years, 20 years or 30 years
  3. Determine HOW MUCH life insurance coverage you desire
  4. Using the chart above, find the band of coverage that fits within the coverage you desire (10, 20 or 30 years)
  5. Consider adding the "Waiver of Premium" rider
  6. Complete the formula below to help calculate the premum for you
 Estimate the VALUE TERM Insurance Premium Now 
Please Input the Base Rate per $1,000 (shown above):
Input the "Waiver of Premium" Rate per $1,000, if desired:
Please Input the Desired Amount of Life Coverage: